How does the competition look like? Here is a valuable information for our clients who intent to sell on the French market. France is a mature industrial country. Competition is fierce, particularly for commodities.
This is not rocket science to say that your price level will be the key factor is you are selling commodities in France. If you are not the cheapest, your second chance is to be the problem solver. Then, the time to market will be quicker because they need you. The third possibility is to offer an innovative solution, matching the future strategic plans of your potential customer. Then, the doors of research, design or engineering departments will open for you but the time to market will be longer.
Whatever your offer, the strategy will often be a combination of these above three situations and will be regularly reviewed and adapted. The competition will follow the same logic but with the obvious advantage to be in the place. This is the reason why it is important to have a good understanding of the competitors’ place and activities.